Control Product Stocks
Moloni provides a module that helps you have absolute control over your products, allowing you to organize, filter and export product listings and stocks.
Stocks of products are made up of stock movements that can be inbound or outbound.
These movements can be created manually or by creating documents in your account.
In addition to querying, filtering, segmenting, and exporting stock movements, here are some other things you can do:
Follow these steps:
1. Access the Products & services > Stocks menu.
2. Here you will find a list with the stock of all the products you added to Moloni. It is possible to choose which method of valuing stocks you want:
Each of these options affects the cost of value that is reflected and the value of stocks. Click on one of them and you will see detailed product stock movements.
3. In the options you can segment by suppliers, products, product categories or warehouses.
4. Finally, click Filter and you will be presented with a list of selected results.
5. On the other hand, you are presented with a table indicating the value cost, unit sale price, taxes amount, price with taxes, stock value, accomplishable value and stock for each product. You can export the data in PDF or XLS.