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Categories & products - Stock control

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Control Product Stocks

Moloni provides a module that helps you have absolute control over your products, allowing you to organize, filter and export product listings and stocks.

Stocks of products are made up of stock movements that can be inbound or outbound.

These movements can be created manually or by creating documents in your account.

If you create them manually, you can expand the line of each product, where you will find the (+) symbol. Click on it to add stock movement.

In addition to querying, filtering, segmenting, and exporting stock movements, here are some other things you can do:

  • How to add stock to products;
  • How to delete a stock movement.

To know this process in detail, follow these steps;

Step One

You can find the feature by going to the "Products and Services" (1) - "Stocks" (2) menu.


Step Two

Here you will find a stock listing of all the products you inserted in Moloni.

By clicking on each one, you will be able to see the respective stock movements in detail (3).


Step Three

Further, under "Options" (4) you will find various filtering options like Date, Suppliers, Products or even Warehouses (5).


Step Four

Once you have filtering options, you can also choose a sort type (6).


Step Five

Finally, click on "Filter" (7) to display a list of results.


Step Six

In the list you will find different information such as "Cost Price", "Tax Amount" or "Price With Taxes" (8).


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