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How to store Moloni access data in browser?

General Features

Customer area

How to store Moloni access data in browser?

When you log in to your Moloni account, you may now require that your Moloni account access data be remembered in your browser for 14 days.

If you return to your account during this time, your data will remain stored and you will not be asked to enter your email and password.

To do this, enable the option Stay connected and then login.

The next time you sign in to Moloni, if you have only one account associated with your user, you will be redirected to your company without going through Sign In.

If you have more than one company in your account, the company/account picker panel will appear to choose one of them.

What is cookie valid for?

Your login details remain valid for 14 days.

Only when you are more than 14 days without access to your account, or if you perform the Logout operation will you be prompted for the data again.

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