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Customer area

Can I import data into Moloni?

Yes you can. At this moment we import data about products and / or services, customers and suppliers, the types of files allowed are: .xls .xlm .xla .xlc .xlt .xlw .ods.

The mechanism is very simple, just place the file and we will notify you when it is ready and soon you will have the imported data in Moloni.

At the very first start, we explain how data is imported to the Moloni platform, explaining some factors related to this import mechanism:

  • Moloni let you import products and/or services, customers and suppliers;
  • These types of files can be created from a calculation software such as Microsoft Excel, Open Office and Libre Office.
  • In the case of files created with Microsoft Excel, files created from 97 version to the current one are valid.
  • It is not necessary to send files with a specific order by column.
  • Moloni will never import documents created in other billing programs (be they Online or Desktop) to simulate that they were created by it, since that is not legally possible.
  • Moloni does not delete any information that exists on the platform and whose information has data that matches, always being the sole responsibility of what the user decides to do and act accordingly.

Starting from these budgets, we will explain in detail the import process, which consists of 3 steps:

1. Prepare the file xls .xlm .xla .xlc .xlt .xlw .ods.


2. Send the file to import.


3. Decide and choose what will not be imported. Correct if there are errors.


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