With Moloni you can invoice in 28 different currencies!
Learn which ones are available, how they are updated, and how the process of issuing documents in other currencies works.
When you create an account with Moloni, you can choose which currency your company or account will work in.
You can choose from 28 available in Moloni (see below), but choosing one does not prevent you from issuing documents in the other 27 different currencies.
Currency values are updated automatically by Moloni every day (between 12:00 AM and 1:00 AM) and serve as a reference value and suggestion when you want to issue a document in a second currency. However this value can be changed by you without any problem.
On the other hand, Moloni places the currency symbol to the left or right of the value, according to the guidelines for it. This change also applies to amounts resulting from foreign exchange operations.