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Documents - Conciliations

Customer area

Manual Document Conciliation

A manual conciliation is one of the document processes in Moloni.

This feature is self-made and allows you to conciliate multiple documents at once.

Thus, this process consists in the creation of a new document, in which the user chooses the documents with which wants to establish a conciliation, through the Related Documents functionality in the documents.

Thus, when creating a receipt, for example, and after choosing a customer, you will find in the option Related Documents, the button Manage Related Documents where you can choose the invoices you want to settle.

This is common to all Moloni document types, although there are some conciliations that are not possible to perform (such as converting a budget into a receipt).

Follow these steps to understand how this process works:

1. Add a new settlement document. In this case, we will choose a Receipt.

Select the desired customer, and then click the Related Documents tab.


2. Then click on Manage Related Documents.


3. Select the documents you want to settle (in this case, invoices).

Activate the documents you want and check the value for each document. Then click Accept to complete the operation.


4. The Total to pay field in the Financial Data section will be filled in, and you will then be able to view the Related Documents tab on the Related Documents tab. You can also change the value of the document in the Total to pay field.

5. However, the amount in the Total to pay field must match the value of the documents you selected.

If the values ​​do not match, an alert will be displayed. If you want to change the value of the document, you can do so by placing the desired value in the field of the financial data section.


6. By going to the Related Documents tab you can check the document value, the selected values ​​and the difference.

Finally, click Accept and then Save and Finish to have the document issued.

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